How to Stay Relevant in the Age of Neural Networks
How to Stay Relevant in the Age of Neural Networks

Amazingly, technology research has come so far that machines have learnt how to handle human tasks.

| Brave New World

Chief editor Chief editor
A sabbatical – what it is and why you and businesses need them

We all know there are vacations and dismissals, and there are also maternity leaves, resignations, sick leaves, et cetera.

Test. Your Role in the Team

As we know, every person in society plays a particular role, and the work team is no exception. Our role depends not only on our professional abilities and functions but also on our character, personal qualities, how we build relationships with others, and the work itself. What role do you think you play in your team?

| Leadership

Network marketing
How well do you really understand internet marketing?

Internet marketing combines both the best benefits of traditional marketing with the latest technology. It is incredibly versatile and could create up to 90% of your business profits, even without offline methods.

| Network marketing

Digital marketing
How it was: the evolution of marketing from its origins to the present day

Many perceive the marketing profession as one of the most modern ones. Marketers haven't been around that long, but the roots of this profession are much deeper.

| Digital marketing

The Most Original Advertising Campaigns That Made Film History

Competent promotion is an important component of the success of any product, including in the film industry.

| Sales

The worst mistake you can make is to give up because of a temporary setback. Each and every one of us has made this mistake at some point in our lives.


Introduction to sectors: a guide to economic sectors for investing and much more

Economics is a difficult field, especially in terms of understanding and studying.

Five Famous People Who Found Themselves in Difficult Circumstances but Changed Them

It's no news that most of us are born into the most ordinary families and must achieve everything independently.

| Brave New World

"We're Going to Change Everything!" Five Famous People Who Broke the System and Succeeded

Many famous people we know today as successful entrepreneurs, genius inventors, outstanding statesmen, and public figures came from the very bottom.

| Brave New World

Test. Your Strongest Soft Skills

Nowadays, everyone will tell you how vital soft skills are.

| Self-development

How to feel confident in a new workplace

Have you ever noticed that confident people are the best at handling anything?

| Career

The Dangers of Google's Corporate Culture: How the Company Forces Its Employees To Work 24/7

You've probably heard about Google's corporate culture, the giant of the digital world, where all the managers and marketers you know would like to work.

| Career