

According to a study of open vacancies, leadership skills consistently rank among the top competencies required by employers. Even in the era of blockchain, artificial intelligence and big data, employers still need people, and team-building, motivation and negotiation skills are more important than ever. Numerous studies show that people with high emotional intelligence stand a much higher chance of succeeding. Check out our articles in this section to find out how you can develop your leadership skills and other critically important abilities.

Top Business Events for Female Leadership
Top Business Events for Female Leadership

Women have made remarkable progress in their fight for their rights in areas such as education, work, equal pay, and bodily autonomy.

| Leadership

The ultimate test for real men: discover which superhero you truly are!
The ultimate test for real men: discover which superhero you truly are!

As children, we all fantasized about having superpowers—flying, reading minds, turning invisible, controlling the weather, or maybe even all of them at once.

| Leadership

FOBO syndrome: How the Fear of Making the Wrong Decision Impacts Your Career
FOBO syndrome: How the Fear of Making the Wrong Decision Impacts Your Career

How frequently do you endure the torment of decision-making? Are you afraid of making a suboptimal choice or decision?

| Leadership

Test. Your Role in the Team
Test. Your Role in the Team

As we know, every person in society plays a particular role, and the work team is no exception. Our role depends not only on our professional abilities and functions but also on our character, personal qualities, how we build relationships with others, and the work itself. What role do you think you play in your team?

| Leadership

Test.  What kind of female leader are you?
Test. What kind of female leader are you?

Female leadership is almost a trend.  All women in the world have the potential to manage and lead, but not all of them know how to realise it.

| Leadership

Corporate smoking culture: what not to do to keep your employees from scattering. Here are three real examples.

Prosperous companies that bring millions of dollars for their creators cannot often boast an excellent corporate culture.

| Leadership

How can a female leader competently manage a team full of males?

In today's world, women enjoy the same career prospects and opportunities that used to get reserved for men.

| Leadership

Which Ancient Greek God Are You? A Quick Quiz from Lectera

Would you like to be an ancient Greek god? Which one? Maybe Zeus, the ruler of Olympus? Or are you more interested in being Hades because his underworld intrigues you more than the pantheon of gods? Or Poseidon, who was capable of flooding anything?

| Leadership

Guide: an overall introspection of your career and life using the SWOT technique!

When looking for a job and putting together a CV, it is difficult to accurately assess one's abilities, skills, and strengths.

| Leadership

How to Use the Dilts Pyramid of Logical Levels for success in your education, career, and personal life

From time to time, we all face problems that cannot be resolved overnight. At some point, you may have no way out.

| Leadership

What to do if your colleagues do not respect you or even dislike you

Trying to win the respect of people who fundamentally do not want to show you that respect is just a waste of time.

| Leadership

Are you able to meet competition in the job market? Take the Lectera quiz to find out!

Nowadays, whilst the world is quaking from one crisis to another, it is more vital than ever to maintain your demand in the job market.

| Leadership

"I'm afraid to start": how to manage fear and start a new business

We all love to imagine that one day we will build a new life: sign up for that long-awaited course, give our boss our letter of resignation, go to the gym, or even finally start our own business instead of being stuck in the office 24/7.

| Leadership

How can you start over in the New Year with a clean slate?

Sooner or later, everyone reaches a turning point when they desire to quit old bad habits and turn over a new leaf.

| Leadership

Can you become a team leader? Take the test and find out what role you will take in the new team!

Answer 8 questions of our test, choosing the option that suits you best. In the end, you will find out what position you have managed to get in our fictional team, and get some advice on adapting to the new team from Lectera!

| Leadership

Your first interview. How do you get your dream job?

Suppose a graduate's first job is with a reputable company. If that is the case, then it will be a lot easier for them to get a job in another great company.

| Leadership

Will you be able to convince artificial intelligence that you are right? Test your public speaking skills!

Are you going to give an important speech? Maybe you want to try public speaking? Or do you have a dream of giving your own TED talk?

| Leadership

Career Bank: How to figure out what profession will make you happy

How do you find out which professions or tasks you enjoy if the last time you took a career guidance course was when you were back in school? We have a number of working methods designed for the specialists already building their careers.

| Leadership

Career Bank: How to analyze the job market and understand how much you should be paid

To profitably "sell" your skills and knowledge to your employer, you need to understand who you are competing with and what amounts you can claim. These questions will be answered by a competent analysis of the labour market. How could you carry it out? We are here to tell you!

| Leadership

Career Bank: The main components of a professional image

The right image is the first step toward your professional success. Needless to say, it consists not only of expensive clothes and well-chosen perfume, as some experts mistakenly believe. It's a real Rubik's Cube! Today, we will take a closer look at all its sides.

| Leadership

Career Bank: How to get a pay rise

Do you want to raise your salary, grow into a position, or move to a new position with compensation that is several times larger than the previous one? We've compiled the list of the best strategies to do this.

| Leadership

Career Bank: How to set goals right

A career goal is what allows you to reach all heights. It mobilizes forces, motivates and inspires, and also helps to become that very best version of yourself. Here's how to set a goal that you won't give up on after a couple of weeks.

| Leadership

How much is your expertise worth in the labour market? Take this quick quiz from Lectera to find out!

Do you want to move to a new position, find a job you like, or grow within the company where you’re currently working? Before entering the job market or negotiating a salary increase, we advise you to check how much your expertise is worth. A simple quiz will help you find out how much you can expect to get paid and tells you what to look out for to increase your professional value!

| Leadership

"Why am I not the boss?" 5 skills you cannot build a career without

You are an excellent specialist in your field, but others are being promoted over you. Why is this happening? Most likely, you lack some special skills - soft skills.

| Leadership