Are your attitudes interfering with your career advancement?  Check now!

Are your attitudes interfering with your career advancement? Check now!

| Self-development

Do you think that career advancement depends only on your professionalism and existing competencies? Well, it doesn’t! After all, you have probably met an intelligent and experienced person who did not become the boss despite their ambition and diligence.

That's because it's all about our psychological attitudes. Thinking and even lifestyle is essential for a career! Do you want to see if your moods are getting in the way of your progress? Of course, you do, so read the statements and choose which ones apply to you and which don't.

I regularly self-study and learn skills that are useful for my professional niche


Correct! You have chosen a terrific approach to your career development.

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Very wrong! New skills are vital to building a successful career.

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In contemporary work, you must adopt life-long learning. Do you want to be in demand in the job market? Well, then you must regularly level-up your skills! That is especially true about your soft skills, which are very much in demand, and without them, career success is impossible. Self-learning, by the way, is also a skill! You can master the art of it with Lectera’s course “Learning as a Skill: a Tool for Development and Career Growth”.

I do not follow trends in the labour market because the main thing is to do a good job


Alas, you have the wrong attitude because it is essential to follow trends!

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It’s great that you are aware of the importance of trends!

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Changes are occurring in the employment market weekly. New professions regularly pop up, while the old ones become obsolete and out of demand. To avoid waking up one day as an unwanted specialist, you need to be ready to retrain and readjust. So, a mastered digital profession in addition to your primary career may one day become your lifeline. Find out about the latest and most relevant professions and get a better understanding of what today’s employers are looking for in Lectera’s course “Professions of the Future: Working in the Modern Job Market”.

I already have an established circle of business acquaintances, and I do not need any more


That is a big mistake because your career growth requires regular expansion of business connections.

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Very good, because, after all, networking is always important.

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Networking is an integral part of a successful career and another skill that’s definitely worth developing. Even if you’ve been networking for ages, you are never wasting your time getting to know another expert or partner. The more, the better! New acquaintances raise our game and give us the motivation to grow. Moreover, periodically change your environment, so you don’t stagnate.

To achieve my goal, I plan each step, break it down into bite-size chunks, and track my progress.


Correct!!! That’s the way to build a career.

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An unfortunate approach. How else will you achieve your goals?

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When building a career, you can’t do without planning. You need to choose a trajectory of movement carefully, and for your comfort, divide large tasks into subtasks - so they will be easier to perform. That will also help you keep track of your progress. How else will you know that you are moving in the right direction? It’s also vital to reward yourself for every step achieved!

If I am assigned a qualitatively new task, my first reaction is to panic.


Wow, really? It would be best if you worked on reducing your stress.

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That’s great! After all, there’s no reason to panic.

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New challenges are always new opportunities. Never reject opportunity because if you do, you miss out on the chance to expand your competencies and to rise to a new level of professionalism. Your career growth requires getting out of your comfort zone. To reduce stress and overcome the fear of change, master special techniques and exercises with the course “Changing Mindsets. Program Yourself to Succeed”. Reprogramme your mind to success!

I even plan my vacation to have time to recover my inner resources


Correct! After all, you should have a high-quality rest.

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Are you sure? After all, rest should also be harmonious.

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You are much faster to restore their energy and get back to work if you know how to rest. Of course, everyone is an individual and what’s “right” for one person could be different for another. However, it would help if you still did it because you will avoid emotional burnout and will always be stress-resistant by having quality rest.

It is easier to be a leader than an ordinary employee.


No, it isn’t! Being a boss is super challenging.

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You’re right! Being a boss is something you have to know how to do.

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To be an effective manager, you have to be as sharp as a tack because leadership requires specialist skills and ability. For example, conflict management and public speaking. Therefore, in a nutshell, you need a lot of soft skills to be a boss and an inspiring leader! After all, it is the manager’s ability to motivate their team that determines results. By the way, Lectera can teach how to be a successful executive in their course “New Level for Your Business: How to Become a Perfect Manager”.

I am always looking for an opportunity to create a source of additional income to live an even better life


Wonderful! After all, the higher the income, the higher the standard of living.

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Very wrong! Striving for a better life is the best motivation.

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Having additional income sources is a guarantee of financial security in any situation, and everyone on earth is striving for it in one way or another. A high income can also be a key motive for building a career, and this is normal. I mean, who doesn’t dream of a better life? Knowing how to recognise this, it is much easier to find the right resources to make your dreams come true.

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