Today, more and more people are using Telegram as a messenger for personal correspondence and a promotional channel for business. In the future, it could seriously compete with Instagram and even Facebook!
Although it currently doesn't have as many features, Telegram is still super user-friendly. Yet, as statistics reveal, most people don't know anything about them.
If you want to promote your business on Telegram, take the Lectera quiz to determine if you use all its features and capabilities. It has many secrets... Are you ready to unravel them?
Do you use all Telegram features? Test how much you know about this messenger!
Let's start with an easy one! Which of these things you CAN NOT do on Telegram?
The following methods for highlighting text are available on Telegram:
What's hidden text in TG?
What types of advertising are available on Telegram?
Can you use Telegram on multiple devices simultaneously?
To connect your bot to TG, you need to…
Are viewing statistics available?
Does this social media have any built-in ways to make money?
What ways of interacting with an audience are UNavailable on Telegram?
The artificial intelligence and technology industry is among the fastest-growing sectors today. Innovations emerge at lightning speed, quickly integrating into nearly every aspect of human life.
The New Year always brings new events and accomplishments, including those related to education, parenting, and learning. As always, we’ve prepared a monthly roundup of positive and interesting news from January that you may have missed.
Dear friends, the international education platform Lectera and its founder Mila Smart Semeshkina send their greetings to you this magical winter holiday season!
Here we are as the year 2024 draws to a close. In honour of this, we have gathered for you the most important and prominent education and EdTech news for December.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) highlights that school performance declines, concentration issues, and increased absent-mindedness are largely linked to widespread digitalisation and the use of gadgets in education.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), ranked second in the best higher education institutions in the QS Asia University rankings, is actively developing an innovative project: the world's first augmented reality digital campus.