I have savings

Take your savings seriously! How you handle your money now has a lot to do with your future. Improve your financial literacy in just one hour with the course “Young Financier. How to Treat Money Wisely” by Lectera and learn how to save for a purchase you have been dreaming of for a long time!
I don’t make plans according to how I plan to spend my money

Planning how to spend your money is a vital step for future careerists aspiring to financial independence. Learn how to control your income and expenses using planning systems in Lectera’s course “Young Financier. How to Treat Money Wisely.”
I am already earning my own money

A part-time job will be a great opportunity to earn your first money and work out which professional areas you like best. We advise you to try out ‘standard’ ways of making money (like working in shops and fast-food restaurants), freelance jobs, and internships. Any experience will do you a power of good!
I am already looking into ways of investing

The earlier you start to understand investing, the better! It’s investing that will help you earn a passive income, regardless of whether you’re working or not, as an adult. We explain in detail how to make money from deposits, stocks, bonds, investment funds and other instruments in the course “The Young Financier. How to treat money wisely.”
I want to study at school and university first and then build a career and earn money

We vote for continuous professional development! If you’re already aged between 14-16 and have an idea of the profession you wish to pursue, start exploring blogs, channels and social media accounts dedicated to it. In the process of finding yourself, short courses and free programs that introduce students to various professions will help. You can also go to Lectera like this - come right now!