Summer is Coming to an End! The Top 10 Things to Do in August

Summer is Coming to an End! The Top 10 Things to Do in August

| Self-development

The age-old lament that summer vanishes in an instant is no exaggeration. It feels like we just welcomed its arrival, and now, suddenly, autumn is less than a month away!

What does this mean? It means there's no time to waste of what is left of the precious summertime! Now is the perfect moment to dive into all those activities you've been postponing and even a little more.

Here are ten activities that will seamlessly fit into your August schedule, ensuring the end of summer is both vibrant and productive. Whether for your health, career, or simply your mood, Pick the ones that resonate with you, or challenge yourself to complete the entire list. Either way, you won't regret making the most of this month!

Engage in outdoor sports or hobbies


What summer-only hobbies have you been interested in but haven't tried yet? Which ones would you regret missing out on? For example, pit bike riding-a type of mini-motorcycle racing on rough or forested terrain-is perfect for summer but unsuitable for winter. River rafting, camping under the stars, marathon swimming, goat yoga (yes, it's a thing!), running through lush, blooming forests, rollerblading, scootering, skateboarding, and rock climbing. All these activities are best enjoyed in good weather, which can be scarce in the fall. Outdoor sports offer double the benefits: try moving your regular gymnastics or stretching routines to an outdoor setting for a change of pace because winter won't offer the same opportunities for outdoor workouts!

During the summer, there are also plenty of non-sporting activities. Think of an open-air cinema with its unique atmosphere and 80s romance, walking tours around your hometown, a dinner boat trip, reading in a hammock, swimming in a lake, or visiting an open-air city pool. If you're out of ideas, keep an eye on local events and summer spots in your city, and make sure to visit at least three of them while the weather is still warm!

Plan a company outing or family gathering outdoors

In other words, a picnic! During the colder months, many managers struggle to find ways to bring their team together, and families wonder where to spend quality time. However, in summer, the solution is simple: pack a basket of snacks, a couple of bottles of lemonade, a lovely tablecloth and blanket, and eco-friendly tableware, and head to the nearest park by your office or home with a beautiful view. This makes for a fantastic team-building activity for your company or family. You can combine this with the previous suggestion and enjoy one of the summer entertainments with colleagues, enhancing corporate culture.

Take a quick weekend getaway


During the summer, renting a car and heading out of town is the simplest way to enjoy a getaway. Clear roads with no snowdrifts or mud, just pleasant weather, make for a great trip. Look for destinations that are budget-friendly and not too far away. For example, you could choose a city with a charming historic center about a 3-4-hour drive. You can set off on Saturday morning and be back by Sunday evening. Alternatively, you could choose a city that's a bit farther away and reachable by a 40-60-minute flight. It's harder to plan such trips in winter, especially with the need for heavier suitcases and warmer clothing. A quick weekend getaway like this can be a perfect solution if you miss out on a vacation this summer.

Take a new training course

Studying during the summer is easier and more effective than at any other time of the year. Why? Let us explain! It all comes down to melatonin, the sleep hormone. Its production decreases in daylight and increases at night, helping you fall asleep faster and more efficiently. Do you see what this means? In the summer, the extended daylight often leads to shorter sleep durations. You might have noticed this yourself! There's even a term for it: "summer insomnia," where people struggle to fall asleep due to the lack of darkness. On the bright side, we tend to have more energy during the summer, making it an ideal time to focus on studying.

Think about a skill you've wanted to learn but have been putting off or one that might be useful for a new project or activities this autumn. In the Lectera catalog, you'll find online courses to suit every interest you can take, even during those sleepless nights. These courses are specially designed so you can learn by dedicating just 20-30 minutes daily over a few days. Consider soft skills courses, like critical thinking or attention development - these benefit any profession.

Ask your boss what steps you need to take to earn a promotion

Summer is great because it fosters a relaxed and informal office atmosphere, with employees and bosses often in high spirits. It's also a time when many people take a break, whether a formal vacation or a mental one, shifting into a resource-saving mode. This means that summer is the perfect time to shine and stand out! With your colleagues relaxed and daydreaming about vacations, it will be much easier to do so.

When discussing a promotion with your boss, keep it straightforward: approach them and express your interest in getting a promotion. Ask what steps you need to take to achieve this. For instance, you might need additional training, improve your KPIs, take on more complex projects, or undergo specific training. The summer is typically the quietest period for many companies, so your boss will likely have time to discuss your promotion. To make the most of this period, you can start working on meeting their requirements right away, positioning yourself to secure the desired role by autumn.

In short, the end of summer is the ideal time to build a career and have a career breakthrough. While everyone else is taking it easy, you can act!

Tackle general cleaning or renovation


While obviously, it's good to clean more frequently than once a year, why not take August to declutter your wardrobe and remove items you haven't worn all summer? Let's be honest; you'll probably not wear them now. You can put those items to use better: sell them to make some extra money, donate them to those in need, gift them to loved ones (especially if they're branded and in good condition, that is a gift!), or take them to a country house where it doesn't matter what you wear.

As we've discovered, people tend to be more energetic in the summer, partly due to the increased production of vitamins A and D from the sun. This makes it the perfect time to tackle those apartment improvement projects you've been putting off. Likewise, the warm weather makes it easier to ventilate your space after painting the walls or repairing the facade by simply opening the windows.

Create a plan for the autumn

When is a better time to plan for autumn than at the end of summer? Save this task for the very end, around August 30-31! Just as the calendar year starts on January 1, the year of achievements begins on September 1. Prepare for it to maximize your accomplishments! For example, write down:

  • What projects will you start and when? Consider both work and personal projects, like building a house or moving.

  • What projects did you have to postpone from summer to autumn? For instance, maybe you did not have the chance to visit a neighboring city.

  • What are your following career plans? Do you aim for a promotion, consider a career change, or consider quitting altogether?

  • What training would you like to pursue this autumn? What skills do you need to succeed in your field? What training is necessary for other goals in your plan? For instance, you might need a driver's license to visit another city.

  • How will you spend your autumn weekends? In advance, plan your hobbies and entertainment so you don't feel lost like you might have during the summer!

You can also start planning your next vacation now, especially if it's in the autumn. Having a vacation plan will keep you motivated and add a pleasant touch of anticipation for the next summer.

Discover ways to extend the feeling of summer


Summer isn't just a season; it's a state of mind. Even if June is cold and rainy, you still feel it's summer and enjoy it. You can extend this feeling by mentally staying in summer mode, even as the weather worsens and the leaves turn brown. There are various ways to extend the summer feeling, as everyone has their summer feeling, like going on picnics. You don't have to head to the forest for this! If permitted, you can enjoy a picnic in a botanical garden or visit a greenhouse café. It's now a popular trend to enhance interiors with greenery and trees. You can also extend the summer feeling in unique ways, such as:

  • Prepare berry jam ahead of time and enjoy sweet toast for breakfast.

  • At home, opt for summer attire like shorts or mix light and heavy fabrics to suit the weather, such as pairing a light skirt with a cozy knitted sweater.

  • Consider buying more lamps for the room or using natural light bulbs.

  • Purchase perfume or incense with summer fragrances like strawberries, fresh grass, or rain.

  • Bring elements of your summer life into autumn, whether by wearing bright makeup usually reserved for summer or working on the balcony instead of the office.

Update your wardrobe and explore new outfit ideas

End-of-summer sales offer great deals on summer clothes as the season winds down and demand decreases. It's the perfect time to update your wardrobe, whether for the current season or getting a head start for next summer. And at fantastic prices! Many items are often left in just a few sizes, leading to great discounts. Take advantage of this and grab new shorts or T-shirts for your next seaside trip.

Additionally, the end of summer marks the start of the autumn shopping season, with new collections of coats, trousers, and autumn shoes arriving. By August, it's a good idea to start planning your wardrobe for November and December to prepare for the colder months.

Detoxify your body

Summer is the perfect time to embrace a healthy diet or go on a diet with abundant fresh vegetables and fruits available. August, in particular, offers a bounty of blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cherries. Corn, watermelon, and melon are among the seasonal vegetables and fruits. Pears and apples, tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers continue to ripen. As a result, market prices drop, allowing you to enrich your diet with nutritious elements without breaking the bank. You can even consider a full detox by eating only plant-based foods.

As you can see, there are plenty of useful and exciting activities to enjoy in August 2024. Don't forget to add your own! There's undoubtedly something you haven't had the chance to do yet this summer. There's still time! Hurry up and remind yourself that cold weather is on the way, and soon, you won't be able to enjoy walks in shorts or park lunches. Please make the most of the remaining summer days and let them be bright and productive!

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