Top 20 books on self-development

Top 20 books on self-development

| Self-development

One needs to make a lot of efforts to be successful and happy, because personal growth is what makes us not only sought-after specialists, but also brings with it a measure of being responsible and good people.

So self-development and investments in your future self, no matter how difficult they are, always pay off. Smart people are said to learn from the mistakes of others, and the best way to quickly and effectively learn other people's experience is through self-development books. In this article, we have put together a list of most popular and widely acclaimed self-development books which will help you can initiate yourself on this difficult, but worthy path to self-improvement.

Books on planning and good habits

Books on planning and good habits

This list contains smart books that are worth reading for self-development in the field of time management. The list will be useful to those who want to use their time efficiently, learn not to waste a single minute, plan the day effectively, excluding from it everything unnecessary. We present you a list of books:

  • "The morning Miracle: How the first hour of the day determines your success"(2012)

About the author

Hal Elrod is a writer and one of the most successful motivational speakers in the United States.

Why read

The book explains how the first hour after waking up can influence the entire day that follows. Using the modern techniques described in the book, you will learn how to reduce stress levels, how to manage your time effectively, and direct your energy and productivity in the right direction. The book is suitable for everyone who wants to change their life, but have not yet figured out where to start. Regardless of what results you want to achieve, "The Morning Miracle" will definitely help you take the first step to stay motivated throughout the day.

  • "Move out of your comfort zone. Change your life "(2001)

About the author

Brian Tracy is a world expert in the psychology of success, the author of about 60 books, and "Move Out of Your Comfort Zone" has repeatedly entered the list of bestsellers on self-development.

Why read

The book provides practical recommendations that the author has derived from his 30 years of experience honing time management skills, solving complex problems and getting out of the comfort zone. A must-read for anyone who wants to achieve good results in any endeavor, find motivation within themselves and always keep moving forward.

  • "Stick with it" (2018)

About the author

Sean Young is a successful professor of medicine and psychology.

Why read

This book on self-development and personal growth is based solely on real facts about how one's habits have influence one's life. Which part of one's body is responsible for habits in terms of psychology and physiology? How, where, why and how are habits formed? How does our brain resist changes and what needs to be done to get rid of bad habits and form good ones? The answer to these and other questions is in Young's book. Personal self-development is inconceivable without good habits that are the foundation for achieving your goals. If you have long dreamt of changing your life for the better, this book is for you.

  • "This year I will ..." (2013)

About the author

MJ Ryan is a successful business coach, psychologist and self-development lecturer. Her previous books, such as The Happiness Makeover, Trusting Yourself, The Power of Patience and many others, have sold millions of copies worldwide.

Why read

We are constantly trying to start losing weight on coming Monday, and we plan to undertake the long overdue repairs in the house as a New Year resolution. "Tomorrow", is a convenient time in future when we will start looking for a job, or learning a new language, a mythical day to which we keep postponing all our resolutions, conveniently burying them along with many others, never to be acted upon. The book will teach you not to forget about the goals and promises made to yourself and others, to form good habits and achieve success.

  • "Be the best version of yourself" (2014)

About the author

Dan Waldschmidt, a business strategist and popular speaker, has explored the classic concept of how to succeed and find it doesn't work.

Why read

"Set big goals", "Be confident and persistent", "Work hard": you have heard of these platitudes for success so many times, you could easily repeat them even if woken up in the dead of the night. However mouthing these "mantras" is unlikely to give any result. The author of the book researched over 1000 real stories about failure and success and has come up with a formula that really helps to achieve "everything out of nothing." Ideal reading for those who need to be inspired by other people's success stories, the author's artistic techniques make the book clear and easy to read.

Emotional Intelligence Books

Emotional Intelligence Books

For those who want to understand the scientific principles behind the concept of "emotional intelligence" and find out how it can be useful in everyday life, this literature will be useful for self-development. So, here are the must-read books:

  • "Emotional intellect: Why it can matter more than IQ "(1995)

About the author

Daniel Goleman is a renowned expert in emotional intelligence who has devoted many years of his life to studying how emotional intelligence affects success in different areas of life.

Why read

The book gives a complete understanding of how EQ differs from IQ and why the former is more important. Suitable for those who have long wanted to not let their emotions overwhelm them, learn how to control their reactions, easily find a way to resolve conflicts, and always bear in mind that relationship with each individual needs different approach.

  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (2010)

About the authors

Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves are the founders of the consulting center "TalentSmart", whose main focus is training and courses on the development of emotional intelligence.

Why read

Long since practitioners of they preach, the authors of the book adhere to the idea that emotional intelligence can affect our lives more than we think. The good news is that EI lends itself to purposeful development - this is the theme of this book. It is suitable for leaders, speakers, parents, and in general anyone who understands the importance of communicating with other people, wants to learn to feel their own and others' emotional nuances, control emotions and practice self-awareness.

  • "Meet your happy chemicals" (2017)

About the author

Loretta Graziano Breuning is Professor Emeritus at the University of California, author of several books on psychology, especially its relationship to neurobiology.

Why read

The book details what the four main "happiness hormones" are - endorphin, dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin - in which situations they are produced, what's their function, and, most importantly, how you can learn to synthesize them yourself. A must-read for those who want to feel better, but do not know how to go about it, as well as for those who seek to fashion their happiness with their own hands.

  • "Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers" (2018)

About the author

Anthony Mersino is a certified project management specialist.

Why read

According to the author, emotional intelligence is as important to entrepreneurial success as is the ability to manage projects itself. The book contains all the necessary practical tools for the personal growth of a manager, which will teach you how to build relationships in a team, resist stress, work with difficult clients and employees, and create a positive atmosphere in the team. Although the book is aimed at managers, everyone will find in it a lot of interesting things in the field of psychology, as well as useful practical advice that can be applied in teamwork and in communicating with people. This book is suitable for both beginners and experienced managers.

  • HBR Guide. Emotional Intelligence "(2019)

About the author

A collection of articles by several authors, with one common theme: all of them talk about their personal experiences and the use of emotional intelligence in practice - in working with personnel.

Why read

The collection is a treasure trove of useful schemes and tools for developing EI, as well as the ability to get out of a difficult situation, work with stress and effectively solve (or avoid) conflict situations. It also contains helpful testimonials and advice on how to bring EQ into business and expand your team building techniques, as well as helpful tips for those interested in psychology, human relationships, and self-improvement.

Leadership Books

Leadership Books

We recommend these motivating books for self-development and self-improvement, which should be read by anyone who wants to embark on the path of becoming a leader. These popular books help you understand what it takes to develop leadership skills, and help you stop being afraid of taking responsibility. Making decisions is not easy, but this is the only way to achieve significant results. The selection of books that we have offered will open up for you a vast and interesting field of areas for reflection.

  • "Leader who had no title" (2010)

about the author

Robin Sharma is one of the popular motivational leaders in North America.

Why read

This is a guidebook on how to change your life; it will push you to challenge yourself if you suddenly think that "average" life is all that you can aspire for. The fate of a person is shaped by the decisions he makes, and the author teaches us to take control of his own life into his own hands. For an extended period of time, this book has rightfully been at the top of the ratings of books for self-development, because it helps to change everyday life and teaches you to be a leader not only for a team of employees, but also for your friends, family and yourself.

  • "Rules for Effective Leadership" (2013)

About the author

Stephen Covey is one of the most popular business experts.

Why read

The book presents four fundamental principles, by adhering to which leaders can remain leaders, even in volatile economic conditions. You will learn how to react to changes, not be afraid to introduce new technologies and keep up with the times so that nothing threatens your business. Suitable for all: entrepreneurs - newbies, successful top managers, as well as heads of large companies: those who are not content to be where they are, and want to look beyond the horizon.

  • "5 facets of leadership" (2013)

About the authors

Scott Campbell and Ellen Samiek are the creators of a new approach to leadership that builds on leadership, vision, employee engagement, coaching and relationship building.

Why read

The book provides a detailed description of each of the out facets of leadership and gives practical advice and techniques for their development. The authors propagate the idea that there is no one-size-fits-all leadership guide, as each situation requires an individual solution. However, you can learn to look for these solutions, regardless of the circumstances.

  • 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (1998)

About the author

John Maxwell is an American writer, speaker, and pastor.

Why read

The book is suitable for a wide range of readers and talks about 21 principles on the basis of which, according to the author, leadership is built. Maxwell's handbook is not a theoretical discussion of how to lead, but a practical compendium of information with real-life examples, tips and advice. Anyone who wants to understand how self-development and motivation are connected should read the book. The success story presented in it strengthens one's belief and faith that sometimes even the impossible is possible.

  • Good Boss, Bad Boss (2013)

About the author

Robert Sutton is professor of management and engineering at Stanford University.

Why read

The book is based on many years of studying the behavior of leaders and is a visual aid for those who are planning to get into a leadership role. By learning from the examples of both bad and good managers, you will avoid commonly made mistakes; you will learn how you should definitely not behave, and what techniques you should add to your arsenal. A few hours spent reading the book will be an excellent investment in self-development.

Books on how to negotiate

Books on how to negotiate

Talking is an important part of life, but sometimes discussions don't go the way we want them to. Here we have shortlisted for you our rating under heading "Useful books on negotiation". Here you will find out which books are the best to start your development, both in professional activity and simply in communication with new acquaintances, friends and family.

  • Crucial Conversations (2011)

About the authors

Kerry Patterson, Joseph Granny and Ron Macmillan are eminent negotiation scholars, speakers and orators.

Why read

From the book, you will learn how to successfully conduct even the most unpleasant and exciting discussions: from a request for a promotion and a pay raise to a spousal quarrel. The authors offer working methods and techniques that will teach you how to smooth the rough edges and turn the dialogue in the direction you need, because at times, too much hangs on the outcome of the negotiations to allow it to be derailed.

  • "Getting past NO" (2012)

About the author

William Urey is a Negotiation and Conflict Mediation Consultant.

Why read

How to get past the NO is a guide on how to see negotiation as little more than just a dialogue with an ultimate goal. Why is your interlocutor pressing you? Why is he angry or interrupting? What needs to be done to maintain a productive atmosphere, remain true to your convictions and not lose? Recommended for reading by representatives of a wide variety of professions who work with people - managers, police officers, lawyers - and those who want to behave appropriately in disputes and learn how to avoid conflicts.

  • "Getting More: How to Negotiate to Achieve Your Goals in the Real world" (2011)

About the author

Stuart Diamond is one of the most sought-after negotiation experts in the world.

Why read

The book is based on the author's many years of practical experience, as well as the experience of his colleagues - these are more than 400 real stories. There is no unnecessary theory here, but only real practical advice, supported by simple examples and recommendations. After reading the book, you can achieve the desired results in any negotiations: from a dispute with a salesman to a concluding a deal worth several million dollars.

  • "Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" (2012)

About the authors

Roger Fisher, William Urey and Bruce Patton are faculty members at Harvard University, successful negotiators with many years of experience.

Why read

The book will teach you how to remain calm and unperturbed in the face of emotional tension, how to properly respond to the unpredictable behavior of your opponent, how to deal with manipulation and look for compromises. The guide is aimed at a wide range of readers, since the skills presented in it will be useful not only in work related issues, but also, for example, in planning a vacation with a family - here too it is also important avoid unnecessary clashes and disagreements.

  • "The psychology of negotiations" (2017)

About the authors

Margaret Neal and Thomas Lees are researchers of cognitive and social processes in the field of negotiation and communication psychology.

Why read

The book is a textbook on negotiation strategies based on psychological and economic data collected by the authors. The first, theoretical part of the book, introduces newcomers to the fundamental principles of negotiation process, basic terms and patterns; the second, psychological, is focused on subtleties and nuances that force people to behave in a particular way during negotiations.

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