Have you caught yourself thinking that you’re afraid of change or wary of any updates to your routine? Find out what determines your fear and learn how to fight it! Take our simple quiz by selecting the statements that suit you best and get advice from Lectera’s experts.
The world has changed, so we too must change with it to meet its demands.
Studying abroad is a dream for many. But not everyone knows how easy it is to achieve! You just have to prepare properly and analyse all the nuances. Are you ready to get a better education and change your future?
Leadership is never easy. Controlling, supporting, motivating, and making decisions are just a small part of the average boss’s responsibilities. Do you want to see if you can handle this role?
Running your own business is many people’s dream, with nobody telling you what to do, when to get up for work, or how much to earn. Everything depends on you and your willingness to invest your time, energy, and resources into your business. That is why business is not only about freedom, but also a great responsibility!
Do you think that career advancement depends only on your professionalism and existing competencies? Well, it doesn’t! After all, you have probably met an intelligent and experienced person who did not become the boss despite their ambition and diligence.
The world has changed, so we too must change with it to meet its demands. These days, the world is moving at a breakneck speed: new technologies, new approaches to work, and novel strategies appear all the time.
You’ve already seen how unpredictable and unstable our world has become, right? What seemed like the plot for a sci-fi blockbuster five years ago is now our reality. You must adapt quickly to survive and succeed.
Self-learning is an integral part of modern life. Do you want to quickly build a career and remain a sought-after specialist? Then you have to study!
Any social media platform, be it VKontakte, Facebook or Instagram, can, and should, be used for educational purposes.
Many of us dream of moving to a country with better living conditions. Unfortunately, not everyone has a chance to do it, right? Wrong! Everyone can move abroad and obtain a new home.
It is widely believed that success in your business, career and personal life is the result of luck, fate and inherited abilities of an individual.
Imagine: you’ve been looking for a job for a long time, and you’re now finally offered a position. Of course, this is excellent news, but one caveat, until you’ve negotiated your salary, the deal is far from sealed. Therefore, make sure that you go out and get what you’re worth by negotiating an advantageous salary because otherwise, you could be selling yourself short.
Well-developed communication skills are the key to making all your plans and dreams come true. After all, no one can do without communication, even an introverted shrinking violet.
Education today looks quite different from our traditional understanding. Today high technologies largely determine both what and how we learn. In future, their influence on education will only increase.
The purchasing power of Russian residents continues to fall — and this is due not only to problems in the economy, but also to financial illiteracy of the population. So, why is it imperative to learn how to manage your money, and how does it help you in your life?
Creativity is generally understood as the ability to think outside the box and find unusual or creative ways to solve problems whilst achieving your goals.
Take our quiz that will inspire you to create a new life in another country!
The beginning of a New Year is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf, and that’s why so many people make New Year’s resolutions.